Why is it that I find a hard drive manufacturer that I really, REALLY like and then everything goes all pear-shaped on me...
More Details Under This Link
In short, Western Digital (WD) has made a wonderful new external drive with a massive 1TB capacity with full 10/100/1000 network connectivity with the ability for external net access and totes this ability as access to your media from anywhere...
But there's a catch... you're not able to access your files from anywhere "Due to unverifiable media license authentication, the most common audio and video file types cannot be shared with different users using WD Anywhere Access." as per WD's support site...
I love WD, a lot. They are probably the only manufacturer that breaks the Law of Hard Drives which states "Hard drives are fast, cheap and reliable; choose two."
Yet, their software is jumping into bed with the MPAA/RIAA and grenading types of files universally because of their type...
No. It's NOT your job to police users. Yes, you may be feeling pressure from the nazi's at the recording industry due to the particular feature set of your hardware, but you do not make universal assumptions and restrictions that limits access to a users potentially UNLICENSED and LEGIT user data.
There is an infamous "phrase" on the internet to describe your actions.
That said, please keep making your very excellent hardware, but tell your software division to keep it's paws out of consumers affairs. The media police can handle us dirty rotten thieving scum-bags if need be.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Ok, I don't like Dell as a whole, their quality is often lacking and don't even get me going about their support...
However, being a big (really big) fan of World of Warcraft..... I kind of really want a Horde version of one of THESE.
They are COOL, even if they are horrifyingly overpriced to the point that they make Apple's MacBook Pro seem like a deal.
Anyway..... FOR THE HORDE!!!
However, being a big (really big) fan of World of Warcraft..... I kind of really want a Horde version of one of THESE.
They are COOL, even if they are horrifyingly overpriced to the point that they make Apple's MacBook Pro seem like a deal.
Anyway..... FOR THE HORDE!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Holy Mother of all Screen Upgrades!!
Well, here I am, and to make a long story really short, I have been looking to upgrade I finally upgraded from a dinky little 17" LCD VGA panel to something... bigger.
Ohhhhh did I go bigger....
I was wandering around OfficeMax during their 2 Day after thanksgiving "super sales" that happen every year. Due to the weak economy and such, most stores dragged things out for two days offering the best deals and sales on "Black Friday" and slightly less outstanding, but still excellent, deals on Saturday.
I was out Saturday when I spotted, what I could pretty much describe as an outstanding deal.
I found a Soyo 24" LCD monitor with a 1920x1200 resolution for the same price I was considering buying a 20" for!
I so scooped it up... This thing is huuuuuuge!!!
I would write more, BUT I'm off to play with my BIG new monitor!!
Ohhhhh did I go bigger....
I was wandering around OfficeMax during their 2 Day after thanksgiving "super sales" that happen every year. Due to the weak economy and such, most stores dragged things out for two days offering the best deals and sales on "Black Friday" and slightly less outstanding, but still excellent, deals on Saturday.
I was out Saturday when I spotted, what I could pretty much describe as an outstanding deal.
I found a Soyo 24" LCD monitor with a 1920x1200 resolution for the same price I was considering buying a 20" for!
I so scooped it up... This thing is huuuuuuge!!!
I would write more, BUT I'm off to play with my BIG new monitor!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Actual Conversation:
The following was an actual conversation I had with a customer:
*Ring*"Service, call on line 3"
*Sigh.....* I get about 1-2 phone calls a day that require me to offer over the phone support.
Customer: "You have to help me! my computer said it had a fatal exception! I can't lose all my files!"
Me: "Ok, it was probably a small glitch, do you still have the error up?"
Customer: "Yes! and it is says that a fatal error happened! Is my pc broken!? I don't have time for this! I need it fixed as soon as you can! How serious do you think it is? I really can't lose my files and I need it for work!"
Me: "Ma'am, it's probably not a big problem. If you can tell me when the error says I might be able to help you a bit more."
Her: blah blah blah.... she repeats the problem and she can't loose anything 2 or 3 more times....
Me (frustrated after getting no where due to the customer panicking): "Ma'am..."
Her (insert attitude): "what?"
Me: "Is the computer on fire?"
Her (The confusion coming down the line is evident): "............... no?"
Me: "Then the problem is not that serious, please calm down and follow these instructions...."
I hate trying to provide support over the phone.
They make me want to go BoFH on them...
However, I do love having a boss who isn't concerned about providing support for non-paying customers.
*Ring*"Service, call on line 3"
*Sigh.....* I get about 1-2 phone calls a day that require me to offer over the phone support.
Customer: "You have to help me! my computer said it had a fatal exception! I can't lose all my files!"
Me: "Ok, it was probably a small glitch, do you still have the error up?"
Customer: "Yes! and it is says that a fatal error happened! Is my pc broken!? I don't have time for this! I need it fixed as soon as you can! How serious do you think it is? I really can't lose my files and I need it for work!"
Me: "Ma'am, it's probably not a big problem. If you can tell me when the error says I might be able to help you a bit more."
Her: blah blah blah.... she repeats the problem and she can't loose anything 2 or 3 more times....
Me (frustrated after getting no where due to the customer panicking): "Ma'am..."
Her (insert attitude): "what?"
Me: "Is the computer on fire?"
Her (The confusion coming down the line is evident): "............... no?"
Me: "Then the problem is not that serious, please calm down and follow these instructions...."
I hate trying to provide support over the phone.
They make me want to go BoFH on them...
However, I do love having a boss who isn't concerned about providing support for non-paying customers.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sigh.... Someone Get Me a Taser
Drunk Zapped Repeatedly
Only a small part of the story of a drunk who is crying "foul" over getting zapped several times by a cops Tazer really pisses me off.
The subject of cops abusing the use of "non-lethal" enforcement weapons is an entirely different subject and is some pissed off I'm saving for later.
Actually the part that ticks me off isn't even part of the story. It's actually one of the little "facts" that cnn has labeled as Taser facts on the left hand side. Follow the link above and read them if you would like.
Well, the once I'm concentrating on is the one that reads "An average Taser device can emit a 50,000-volt electric shock. In comparison, a device in emergency rooms to shock hearts back to life starts at around 300 volts."
Sounds factual right?
Well, that's because it is.
So whats wrong here? Why am I cheesed off?
Because it makes the Taser sound thousands of times more dangerous and painful than a defibrillator. That's why I'm ticked.
Knowing what I do about the importance of current when electricity travels through the human body, I'd rather get hit with the Taser.
"Volts" means SQUAT in the case of these two totally dissimilar devices.
Quick lesson in electricity.
The Taser may produce very high voltage, but does so at MICROamps of current, the result, tons of pain, very little danger.
A defibrillator produces much less voltage but at astronomically higher current levels, sometimes as much as 40AMPS!! A defibrillator is easily LETHAL if used incorrectly.
Why do you think that use that conductive cream on the paddles? To prevent electrodes from BURNING the patient!
Volts with almost no current only hurts like hell, that's why a Taser can't start/stop your heart and a defibrillator can, it uses CURRENT instead of a lot of volts.
So in closing, I'd MUCH rather get hit with the Taser. CNN is just stupid and feeding misinformation in order to make a fairly safe (even if overused for no good reason) device look bad when it should be the cop who should be getting the brunt of it.
Besides, I have my doubts as to if a taser would be worse than the 10KV+ at who knows how many milliamps I came into contact with when I accidentally touched a live TV fly-back transformer and got lit up like a Christmas tree at college. Still don't remember hitting the floor...
Only a small part of the story of a drunk who is crying "foul" over getting zapped several times by a cops Tazer really pisses me off.
The subject of cops abusing the use of "non-lethal" enforcement weapons is an entirely different subject and is some pissed off I'm saving for later.
Actually the part that ticks me off isn't even part of the story. It's actually one of the little "facts" that cnn has labeled as Taser facts on the left hand side. Follow the link above and read them if you would like.
Well, the once I'm concentrating on is the one that reads "An average Taser device can emit a 50,000-volt electric shock. In comparison, a device in emergency rooms to shock hearts back to life starts at around 300 volts."
Sounds factual right?
Well, that's because it is.
So whats wrong here? Why am I cheesed off?
Because it makes the Taser sound thousands of times more dangerous and painful than a defibrillator. That's why I'm ticked.
Knowing what I do about the importance of current when electricity travels through the human body, I'd rather get hit with the Taser.
"Volts" means SQUAT in the case of these two totally dissimilar devices.
Quick lesson in electricity.
The Taser may produce very high voltage, but does so at MICROamps of current, the result, tons of pain, very little danger.
A defibrillator produces much less voltage but at astronomically higher current levels, sometimes as much as 40AMPS!! A defibrillator is easily LETHAL if used incorrectly.
Why do you think that use that conductive cream on the paddles? To prevent electrodes from BURNING the patient!
Volts with almost no current only hurts like hell, that's why a Taser can't start/stop your heart and a defibrillator can, it uses CURRENT instead of a lot of volts.
So in closing, I'd MUCH rather get hit with the Taser. CNN is just stupid and feeding misinformation in order to make a fairly safe (even if overused for no good reason) device look bad when it should be the cop who should be getting the brunt of it.
Besides, I have my doubts as to if a taser would be worse than the 10KV+ at who knows how many milliamps I came into contact with when I accidentally touched a live TV fly-back transformer and got lit up like a Christmas tree at college. Still don't remember hitting the floor...
Friday, September 07, 2007
Printer Woes

Argh! My printer is sick! Possibly very sick! Bad printhead error!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Good thing I'm a Xerox certified technician so no labor costs for any repairs! Too bad parts cost $$$ I don't have...
What printer you say? Why, "The Beast" of course! I have the Phaser 850DX and it's completely LOADED, there literally are no more options that you can add.

This is a really nice professional solid ink printer that is designed from fairly heavy use and I love it, well worth the tiny fraction of the original price I paid (hint: your little inkjet on your desk probably cost more).
It had been serving me very well until a couple weeks ago, I shut it down and moved it when I had family visiting. It's since been off for 2 weeks since I have been too busy to do anything that required printing.
Last night, however, I had to print a couple addresses on a handful of envelopes and I had a small queue of documents and projects that I had been putting off printing. I turned it on, waited the 10 minutes or so for the warm up cycle to complete and the inital test page to print, no problem! I sent my first envelope to it, and it shot right though, second envelope resulted in a jam. *Sigh* quick tug and one front panel shut later it tried to put it's normal cleaning page through and....
wtf? Another jam?
I cleared out the new jam and it did the same thing and I noticed there wasn't one of it's usual sounds being made at the pre-heater... crap.
Upon further inspection it appeared that a clutch wasn't engaging and allowing the page to be pulled through.
Cool. Easy and cheap to fix. Lets run a few diagnostics to be sure.
Reboot the printer into diagnostic mode and BAM!
ERROR: Contact Service
I look up the error code (not a good thing when it's one I haven't seen before) and sure enough it's expensive part related.
Could be wiring, could be re-programming... or could be a 500 dollar part replacement.... my cost. (I get things cheaper because I'm a tech, it'd cost anyone else $800)
More news will follow after I take the thing further apart and get to the culprit.
I'm hoping it's just a loose wire from moving it across the room *crosses fingers*
UPDATE 9/8/07: It looks like I was reading the error code chart wrong, it's actually claiming that the drum is dirty, which was why it was trying to put a cleaning page through before I rebooted it.
This is not a major problem but it still doesn't explain the constant paper jams, which may be back down to the clutch.... I'm gonna clean the drum and see what happens. Here's hoping to no further repairs needed!!
Update 9/9/07: Ok, drum is clean, unfortunately I'm tired and I don't want to clean up the pre-heater feed rollers atm, which is just a pre-caution and as I said before, I think it's the clutch not working instead of the rollers slipping.
Update 9/10/07: I hate technology.
Update 9/26/07: Started working on it again... No luck so far, definitely not a solenoid... That leaves circuit boards.... *cries silently*
Update 9/26/07 #2: Found out what was causing the error, the printer NEEDS to put a cleaning page through and I was trying to bypass it. Clutch is fine, appears to be the right I/O board... I hope. I also tore it completely apart and cleaned then reseated everything, inspected all the cables, etc... Still no go, but I'm gonna order the I/O board for it and hope all these dark clouds go away.
Update 12/14/07: Turns out there are a broken off paper registration flag in the preheater section all long.... SO it's fixed with uber-juryrigging (aka it's stronger than factory now) and I have $80 bucks in spare parts laying around for future breakdowns.... Oh well, if I need the cash back, there is always ebay.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Bill of Lights
The article is under here
I know there are an ever increasing number of LED's and other lights popping up on an ever increasing number of products *cough*HP LAPTOPS*cough* but there are also an EQUAL number of products out there with very few or even NO lights of any kind, such as many Apple products.
Of course, there are also every combination of lighting options in between.
I, however, do not think "We the people" truly and for honestly care very much either way.
Though on some subconscious level, LED encrusted products that can be seen from space seem to induce an automatic "wooooow.." and all the subsequent drooling and twitching of fingers toward the wallet that causes fad products to sell well before word gets out how bad they suck.
On a personal note, I LOVE shiney things. LED lit or just plain beautifully designed, both are "shiny" in my eyes and I will admit to salavating. Though it only very rarely influences my purchasing decisions. I am too broke to just go "SHINY!" *SPEND!*
I am going to place the way I feel about those complaining of too many bright LEDs in the form of a question.
What is better than one LED bright enough to light up a whole room?
50 of them! That BLINK!!!
The more status information in the form of bright blinky things you can throw at me the better. I like bright things people! Yes, not everyone does and if not choose a different product! You have CHOICE in todays flooded market.
However, If you get the option to have my products light up like fireworks taken away from me, I'm gonna find you and brighten your day up with 360 volts of 3-phase! Nothing brings me closer to nirvana than when I walk into a server room and there are hundreds of thousands of brightly glowing and blinking LEDs of all colors. Turn off the main lights if you want to make me happier! All that whirring and blinking and brightness in the still of darkness....... all indicating that there is mammoth processing power residing there.... mmmmmm.....
Now THAT'S some fine shiny!!
I know there are an ever increasing number of LED's and other lights popping up on an ever increasing number of products *cough*HP LAPTOPS*cough* but there are also an EQUAL number of products out there with very few or even NO lights of any kind, such as many Apple products.
Of course, there are also every combination of lighting options in between.
I, however, do not think "We the people" truly and for honestly care very much either way.
Though on some subconscious level, LED encrusted products that can be seen from space seem to induce an automatic "wooooow.." and all the subsequent drooling and twitching of fingers toward the wallet that causes fad products to sell well before word gets out how bad they suck.
On a personal note, I LOVE shiney things. LED lit or just plain beautifully designed, both are "shiny" in my eyes and I will admit to salavating. Though it only very rarely influences my purchasing decisions. I am too broke to just go "SHINY!" *SPEND!*
I am going to place the way I feel about those complaining of too many bright LEDs in the form of a question.
What is better than one LED bright enough to light up a whole room?
50 of them! That BLINK!!!
The more status information in the form of bright blinky things you can throw at me the better. I like bright things people! Yes, not everyone does and if not choose a different product! You have CHOICE in todays flooded market.
However, If you get the option to have my products light up like fireworks taken away from me, I'm gonna find you and brighten your day up with 360 volts of 3-phase! Nothing brings me closer to nirvana than when I walk into a server room and there are hundreds of thousands of brightly glowing and blinking LEDs of all colors. Turn off the main lights if you want to make me happier! All that whirring and blinking and brightness in the still of darkness....... all indicating that there is mammoth processing power residing there.... mmmmmm.....
Now THAT'S some fine shiny!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Work time workaround...
There is an old saying "Make do with what you have".
At work I have a craptastic old D(H)ell Dimension 2350 with a 2.8Ghz Celeron (Celery) a 160GB hd and 512mb of RAM running Win XP Pro.
Overall, it would be a fairly good system for a typical user.
I am not a typical user.
As many of you may (or may not) know, I am a heavy duty power user and I typically place a demanding load on my home system.
Work isn't too much different, I have numerous programs open all the time in order to do my job including, but NOT limited to, Outlook, Firefox, IE (Don't ask), an Access Database, Gaim, a music player, Acronis (drive imaging software), an interoffice chat client, SMART reporting software and numerous others including Virtual PC, Partition Magic, Excel and Word (ick)
512mb of ram is WOEFULLY insufficient for running this many ram hogging applications and while I will close down most of them when I can, I hate waiting forever for them to relaunch when I need them a few minutes later. It doesn't help that several of these application also intensely access the hard drive as part of their function.
Combine those two factors and you get one dragging system as the hard drive thrashes itself to pieces trying to swap and read and write data at the same time.
Worst part is this system is just a junker and my manage doesn't want to bother doing anything to upgrade it and I can't blame him.
So, in permanent lack of any official upgrades, I have been scrounging bits and pieces off of disposed systems and the junk bin to upgrade it a tad, including a DVD-RW drive, up from a 24x cd-rom, a 2.8ghz Celeron, up from 1.8ghz.
Since no 512mb ram modules were making themselves available, I decided I had to take another action to eek more speed out of my crappy work box.
*Ping!* Idea!!!
When you have lots of mediocre parts to work with, sometimes quantity can be better than quality.
I grabbed one of the 60gb scratch drives out of my pile of extra HD's and stuffed it in. I then wiped it clean and scanned for bad sectors (these things are pulls from systems in various conditions so it is wise to inspect them).
I don't have RAID capabilities on this old Dell board so I left it as a single drive instead of striping it into a RAID for speed.
I then off loaded some of my most often thrashed files to it including my windows swap file, virtual pc hd image, and some of the Acronis disk image files.
The speed difference is excellent! Granted, it's not QUITE as good as having 1 (or 2!)GB of RAM and a high powered Pentium or Core Duo as well, but it's better than nothing!!
It's much more usable than it used to be, especially when I'm torturing the system... I don't care how fast they are, single processor systems are so wimpy when it comes to multitasking.
At work I have a craptastic old D(H)ell Dimension 2350 with a 2.8Ghz Celeron (Celery) a 160GB hd and 512mb of RAM running Win XP Pro.
Overall, it would be a fairly good system for a typical user.
I am not a typical user.
As many of you may (or may not) know, I am a heavy duty power user and I typically place a demanding load on my home system.
Work isn't too much different, I have numerous programs open all the time in order to do my job including, but NOT limited to, Outlook, Firefox, IE (Don't ask), an Access Database, Gaim, a music player, Acronis (drive imaging software), an interoffice chat client, SMART reporting software and numerous others including Virtual PC, Partition Magic, Excel and Word (ick)
512mb of ram is WOEFULLY insufficient for running this many ram hogging applications and while I will close down most of them when I can, I hate waiting forever for them to relaunch when I need them a few minutes later. It doesn't help that several of these application also intensely access the hard drive as part of their function.
Combine those two factors and you get one dragging system as the hard drive thrashes itself to pieces trying to swap and read and write data at the same time.
Worst part is this system is just a junker and my manage doesn't want to bother doing anything to upgrade it and I can't blame him.
So, in permanent lack of any official upgrades, I have been scrounging bits and pieces off of disposed systems and the junk bin to upgrade it a tad, including a DVD-RW drive, up from a 24x cd-rom, a 2.8ghz Celeron, up from 1.8ghz.
Since no 512mb ram modules were making themselves available, I decided I had to take another action to eek more speed out of my crappy work box.
*Ping!* Idea!!!
When you have lots of mediocre parts to work with, sometimes quantity can be better than quality.
I grabbed one of the 60gb scratch drives out of my pile of extra HD's and stuffed it in. I then wiped it clean and scanned for bad sectors (these things are pulls from systems in various conditions so it is wise to inspect them).
I don't have RAID capabilities on this old Dell board so I left it as a single drive instead of striping it into a RAID for speed.
I then off loaded some of my most often thrashed files to it including my windows swap file, virtual pc hd image, and some of the Acronis disk image files.
The speed difference is excellent! Granted, it's not QUITE as good as having 1 (or 2!)GB of RAM and a high powered Pentium or Core Duo as well, but it's better than nothing!!
It's much more usable than it used to be, especially when I'm torturing the system... I don't care how fast they are, single processor systems are so wimpy when it comes to multitasking.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Must.... Kill..... Everything......
Apparently it's been found that being fat is "contagious" accord to a recent study....
in short, they have found that obesity is not so much a disease, as a "socially contagious phenomenon" and affects friends and family even if separated by great distances. They found that you have as much as a 57 percent chance of gaining weight yourself if your friend or partner does.
Maybe, just maybe, YOU get fat if your friend gets fat BECAUSE ALMOST HALF OF AMERICA IS FAT AND GETTING FATTER BY THE MINUTE?!?!?!?
Yes, it MIGHT be possible for a direct psychological connection to influence weight gain, but STILL this "study" is CRAP!
I wouldn't buy this cruft if you PAID me!
One more thing!
I am so SICK and tired of hearing or America's "obesity epidemic". The next person who uses those words in a conversation with me is going to be savoring the taste of their own TEETH.
in short, they have found that obesity is not so much a disease, as a "socially contagious phenomenon" and affects friends and family even if separated by great distances. They found that you have as much as a 57 percent chance of gaining weight yourself if your friend or partner does.
Maybe, just maybe, YOU get fat if your friend gets fat BECAUSE ALMOST HALF OF AMERICA IS FAT AND GETTING FATTER BY THE MINUTE?!?!?!?
Yes, it MIGHT be possible for a direct psychological connection to influence weight gain, but STILL this "study" is CRAP!
I wouldn't buy this cruft if you PAID me!
One more thing!
I am so SICK and tired of hearing or America's "obesity epidemic". The next person who uses those words in a conversation with me is going to be savoring the taste of their own TEETH.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Picture of the Unspecified Time Period
Been a while since I've done one of these, SO.... Picture for you all! All together now! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

I think they microwaved my face with all that cute....

I think they microwaved my face with all that cute....
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fatigue.... Bad!/Good!
I shouldn't think about forming a reply to ANYTHING when I'm tired and sick and cannot sleep. I was given one of those lil' "friend survey" thingies that circulate around email and blogs and the such. I was answering with one/two word answers until I got to this one particular question. I took my answer and just RAN with it....
15. RED OR PINK? Now that's not really a fair question to impose upon someone. The whole debate on Red vs. Pink (aka. Dark Pink vs. Light Red) is something that cannot be summed up in but a single word answer! Both of these highly dynamic and creativity inducing colors have a vast quantity of advantages and disadvantages to being chosen as an answer for this all important inquiry! I say it is not fair in forcing one to choose between either of these indispensable tones of reflective or emitted light and instead focus on acceptance of ALL colors of the visible light spectrum! Reflected or emitted! Reflected or Diffused! All colors are equally important in order to create the beauty that makes this world special! I say nay to answering such a question and instead offer open arms to ALL colors as equals!
15. RED OR PINK? Now that's not really a fair question to impose upon someone. The whole debate on Red vs. Pink (aka. Dark Pink vs. Light Red) is something that cannot be summed up in but a single word answer! Both of these highly dynamic and creativity inducing colors have a vast quantity of advantages and disadvantages to being chosen as an answer for this all important inquiry! I say it is not fair in forcing one to choose between either of these indispensable tones of reflective or emitted light and instead focus on acceptance of ALL colors of the visible light spectrum! Reflected or emitted! Reflected or Diffused! All colors are equally important in order to create the beauty that makes this world special! I say nay to answering such a question and instead offer open arms to ALL colors as equals!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
To Do List:
I wanna do this!
Heck, I have enough parts and scrap, I probably COULD do this at little, to no cost!
Just need magnets....
Heck, I have enough parts and scrap, I probably COULD do this at little, to no cost!
Just need magnets....
Monday, June 11, 2007
I Have An Opinion...
Ok, first off, I'm going to start by letting you all in on one personal view that I have.
I don't like Sony.
Granted, I used to think they we one of the finest electronics manufactures on the planet, but with their ever-degrading quality, questionable business practices, poor treatment of customers through the RIAA/MPAA, and many, many other not-so-little problems and bad moves/tactics that they have undertaken in the last 10 years I can no longer respect Sony as a company and they have forced me to no longer support them with my business for very good reason.
Yet, as per this article here, regarding Sony being 'irresponsible' for using a digital representation of this PUBLIC BUILDING in a 'sick' video game that contains violence and is seeking a "monetary donation" along with removal of said aspect of the already published game as retribution.
I have Sony's back on this one when I say, cry me a river and then go get STUFFED you big whiners! Someone call the 'waaambulance' because I'm gonna kick the crap out of these people until the can't stand so they have something REAL to whine about!
This cheeses me off on so many levels! First, using 3d models of public buildings in video games of ALL sorts, violent or otherwise, is nothing new. This has been going on for many years now, in fact the controversial Grand Theft Auto game series from Rockstar modeled much of their map after down own NYC you don't hear Proctor & Gamble griping about the building that looks like theirs! For that matter, the Spiderman series of games based on the movies flaunted the fact that you could web-swing and fight crime in extravagantly detailed NYC! These games were both "violent".
While you could argue that in GTA you were CAUSING disruptive violence while in Spiderman you were using violence to stop crime (a counter-productive idea if there ever was one, but that's another post all together). Well, even using this argument you have even less of a leg to stand on because the game in question, Resistance: Fall of Man, was about SAVING the world from an invasion. Whoops.
The people complaining about this should get hit by a truck and go directly to hell (Do not pass "Go". Do not collect $200.) The ONLY way I could support a cry like this is if the building in question was a private residence used without permission, THEN you have a reason to complain and I'd be behind you 150%
This churches complaint is not valid, it is stupid. Until a game maker does something with the content of it's games that TRULY does something to break a law or infringe on an individuals right to privacy I do NOT want to hear another complaint out of ANYONE, so everyone just STFU.
I don't like Sony.
Granted, I used to think they we one of the finest electronics manufactures on the planet, but with their ever-degrading quality, questionable business practices, poor treatment of customers through the RIAA/MPAA, and many, many other not-so-little problems and bad moves/tactics that they have undertaken in the last 10 years I can no longer respect Sony as a company and they have forced me to no longer support them with my business for very good reason.
Yet, as per this article here, regarding Sony being 'irresponsible' for using a digital representation of this PUBLIC BUILDING in a 'sick' video game that contains violence and is seeking a "monetary donation" along with removal of said aspect of the already published game as retribution.
I have Sony's back on this one when I say, cry me a river and then go get STUFFED you big whiners! Someone call the 'waaambulance' because I'm gonna kick the crap out of these people until the can't stand so they have something REAL to whine about!
This cheeses me off on so many levels! First, using 3d models of public buildings in video games of ALL sorts, violent or otherwise, is nothing new. This has been going on for many years now, in fact the controversial Grand Theft Auto game series from Rockstar modeled much of their map after down own NYC you don't hear Proctor & Gamble griping about the building that looks like theirs! For that matter, the Spiderman series of games based on the movies flaunted the fact that you could web-swing and fight crime in extravagantly detailed NYC! These games were both "violent".
While you could argue that in GTA you were CAUSING disruptive violence while in Spiderman you were using violence to stop crime (a counter-productive idea if there ever was one, but that's another post all together). Well, even using this argument you have even less of a leg to stand on because the game in question, Resistance: Fall of Man, was about SAVING the world from an invasion. Whoops.
The people complaining about this should get hit by a truck and go directly to hell (Do not pass "Go". Do not collect $200.) The ONLY way I could support a cry like this is if the building in question was a private residence used without permission, THEN you have a reason to complain and I'd be behind you 150%
This churches complaint is not valid, it is stupid. Until a game maker does something with the content of it's games that TRULY does something to break a law or infringe on an individuals right to privacy I do NOT want to hear another complaint out of ANYONE, so everyone just STFU.
Monday, May 21, 2007
HOLY *car horn!*
While This is the SINGLE coolest piece of computer hardware I have ever seen to date...
It's also one of the most over priced!
1 Soda and *Bzzrt!* $1,500 bucks gone!
Moral of the story: If you are a geek and your keyboard costs more than half as much as your computer... seek professional psychological help!
It's also one of the most over priced!
1 Soda and *Bzzrt!* $1,500 bucks gone!
Moral of the story: If you are a geek and your keyboard costs more than half as much as your computer... seek professional psychological help!

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Ok, first, a bit of background to help paint the scenario.
I am now a computer technician by profession and I see all manor of abused/misused/neglected hardware (to say nothing of software) and most of it doesn't work in some manor or another.
Now after 3 months of repairing the endless flow of hardware through the door I have noticed something that I would like to share with the world... or at least the percentage of it that happens to be reading this.
I have started to notice a pattern emerging from machines that have failed due to the environment they were used in, such as extreme amounts of dust/heat/moisture/etc..., the cause of the most catastrophic (i.e.-expensive) problems needing repairs is computers that come from an environment where people smoke.
The smoke and tar particles sticks to the normal dust found in a home and then the dust sticks to EVERYTHING in the computer when it's sucked into the case by the numerous fans used to keep it cool. This causes major problems with overheating as case vents plug up, heat-sinks become clogged, and fans grind to a halt.
It also wreaks havoc with other components such as CD/DVD drives will simply stop working as they have their sensitive lenses coated with a layer of grime. Things also get fun as smoke manages to sneak past the filter in the vent of your hard drive, can we spell "Data is Gone City"?
Now for the REAL kicker, this sticky dust is partially conductive (as per me playing around with an ohmmeter) which would explain the numerous power supply failures that I have had to deal with where the whole system reeks of cigarette smoke and is clogged with this gunk.
Not to mention that the entire case turns brown....
What I'm trying to say is that for your own sanity, and your tech's, please avoid smoking around computers!
*End of Public Service Announcement*
I am now a computer technician by profession and I see all manor of abused/misused/neglected hardware (to say nothing of software) and most of it doesn't work in some manor or another.
Now after 3 months of repairing the endless flow of hardware through the door I have noticed something that I would like to share with the world... or at least the percentage of it that happens to be reading this.
I have started to notice a pattern emerging from machines that have failed due to the environment they were used in, such as extreme amounts of dust/heat/moisture/etc..., the cause of the most catastrophic (i.e.-expensive) problems needing repairs is computers that come from an environment where people smoke.
The smoke and tar particles sticks to the normal dust found in a home and then the dust sticks to EVERYTHING in the computer when it's sucked into the case by the numerous fans used to keep it cool. This causes major problems with overheating as case vents plug up, heat-sinks become clogged, and fans grind to a halt.
It also wreaks havoc with other components such as CD/DVD drives will simply stop working as they have their sensitive lenses coated with a layer of grime. Things also get fun as smoke manages to sneak past the filter in the vent of your hard drive, can we spell "Data is Gone City"?
Now for the REAL kicker, this sticky dust is partially conductive (as per me playing around with an ohmmeter) which would explain the numerous power supply failures that I have had to deal with where the whole system reeks of cigarette smoke and is clogged with this gunk.
Not to mention that the entire case turns brown....
What I'm trying to say is that for your own sanity, and your tech's, please avoid smoking around computers!
*End of Public Service Announcement*
Saturday, April 21, 2007
These are my feelings exactly on the relationship I have with Adobe Flash (Formally Macromedia). Image behind link
Thursday, April 19, 2007
---------------------*Cut Here*--------------------------
Ok, I've received about a handful of complaints about the accuracy of my last post, particularly one section of it.
The section in question is about where I stated that the nutcase had a GF and he found she was cheating, so he plugs them and 30 others before capping himself.
It turns out, as I have been so kindly informed over and over and over by people who do, obviously, care, that he was just a stark-raving lunatic who got all trigger happy because someone else wasn't happy with what he/she had already.
MY BAD! However, I STILL stand by my choice to call it psycho-drama because it WAS!
But guess what?!
C'mon! Guess!
I STILL don't care.
Further complaints or notifications of inaccuracy regarding my previous posting will be graciously received and then subsequently ignored.
End of posts that relate to the VA shooting, PERIOD!
Ok, I've received about a handful of complaints about the accuracy of my last post, particularly one section of it.
The section in question is about where I stated that the nutcase had a GF and he found she was cheating, so he plugs them and 30 others before capping himself.
It turns out, as I have been so kindly informed over and over and over by people who do, obviously, care, that he was just a stark-raving lunatic who got all trigger happy because someone else wasn't happy with what he/she had already.
MY BAD! However, I STILL stand by my choice to call it psycho-drama because it WAS!
But guess what?!
C'mon! Guess!
I STILL don't care.
Further complaints or notifications of inaccuracy regarding my previous posting will be graciously received and then subsequently ignored.
End of posts that relate to the VA shooting, PERIOD!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Well dip me in butter and call me "Slick", more f*cking school shootings.....
Now I'm probably a horrible, HORRIBLE person for thinking like this, but I'm going to say it anyhow.
I. Don't. CARE.
I DON'T! I heard the "Tragic News©®™" and I did not even blink. That's right, I had about as much of a reaction to the "news" as inhaling another breath of air. In fact now that I have had time to sit and ponder the enormity of the loss.... I STILL don't care!
In fact I'm only writing anything about it at all is because of the the UTTER media blitz on dragging this "story" to new levels of grotesquely blown out proportions!
Par for course, the media is having an utter FIELD DAY with this juicy little piece of tragedy and it's pissing me off! Yeah, yeah, what's new, right?
The part that's getting under my skin, other than the fact that NOBODY seems to remember anymore that EVERY DAY more than 30 people die in Bush's little "War on the verb Terror", is that there seems to be a SLIGHT inconsistency with the number of dead! I have heard from various news "sources" a number of people killed ranging from 3 to more than 40, that is NOT an exaggeration.
When did it become so damn difficult to count the number of people NOT BREATHING with BIG GAPING WOUNDS in the face?! Do not report "critically injured" as dead to increase the death toll to try and increase your ratings, do NOT report injured people as dead to try and increase your ratings, and do NOT guess randomly at the number of dead people and report it as FACT you brain-dead government controlled zombie bastards!!!!
Here, HERE'S how you can do it, GET the current number of dead, slap on your fake little smile or fake expression of distress (whichever suites you), stare blankly forward like a good puppet and state into the little camera lens "AS OF [DATE & TIME] THE CONFIRMED NUMBER OF CASUALTIES IS TOTALING [NUMBER OF DEAD], WE'LL KEEP YOU UPDATED AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE. NOW BACK TO SPORTS BROUGHT TO YOU BY PEPSI!"
Now, was that so hard?
Granted, the numbers have finally stabilized now that some time has passed and they have had a chance to get the few facts they choose to report straight(ish).
Worst part was that the whole mess turned out to be typical stupid psycho-drama.
Joe E. Random, Jr. goes to his girlfriends dorm, find's she's got another guy, Joe flips out and blows them both away with the pistol he always carries because he's nuts, instead of just realizing that's he's a crappy partner, feeling rejected and wandering off to try again to find another to spawn with.... or at the very least just shoot only himself in the face. Nothing beats a permanent solution to a temporary problem!
But, kill the both of them THEN goes off to plug half the innocent engineering department?!? What The EF?! Was she messing around with the whole damn department? Come on you (now former) brainless twit! If you're going to go kill innocent people at least go kill some stupid people who do nothing but breed and make more stupid! You don't shoot up a college full of semi-intelligent to intelligent individuals who just might be the ones to pull the planet out of the cesspool that we're quickly throwing it into!
Ok, calm down.... deeeep breath... bunnies and ponies and rainbows and grassy meadows and happy place... happy place...
Much better....
Now for the sad part, I USED to care! I faintly remember a time long ago when I used to give half a crap about all the random people on this dirt ball, but no longer. Yes, I care for this planet, I care for all the natural world it harbors, the plants, the animals, the lands, the seas and sky's and I DO care very much about all the individuals I know and love. When I do care, I make Greenpeace look like ENRON.
But, if I don't know you, in my eyes, you're cannon fodder.
Guess, what? The worst part is I'm still not caring!!! I'm just this pissed off today and the radio just made the mistake of reminding me YET AGAIN for the 30 BILLIONTH time that some poor saps sucked some lead at a university (Instead of in Iraq).
I MIGHT care if this happened to involve someone I know and care about, but it didn't, so I don't.
They say "apathy is lethal"... then why aren't more random people DYING when they get close next to me?!?!
Now I'm probably a horrible, HORRIBLE person for thinking like this, but I'm going to say it anyhow.
I. Don't. CARE.
I DON'T! I heard the "Tragic News©®™" and I did not even blink. That's right, I had about as much of a reaction to the "news" as inhaling another breath of air. In fact now that I have had time to sit and ponder the enormity of the loss.... I STILL don't care!
In fact I'm only writing anything about it at all is because of the the UTTER media blitz on dragging this "story" to new levels of grotesquely blown out proportions!
Par for course, the media is having an utter FIELD DAY with this juicy little piece of tragedy and it's pissing me off! Yeah, yeah, what's new, right?
The part that's getting under my skin, other than the fact that NOBODY seems to remember anymore that EVERY DAY more than 30 people die in Bush's little "War on the verb Terror", is that there seems to be a SLIGHT inconsistency with the number of dead! I have heard from various news "sources" a number of people killed ranging from 3 to more than 40, that is NOT an exaggeration.
When did it become so damn difficult to count the number of people NOT BREATHING with BIG GAPING WOUNDS in the face?! Do not report "critically injured" as dead to increase the death toll to try and increase your ratings, do NOT report injured people as dead to try and increase your ratings, and do NOT guess randomly at the number of dead people and report it as FACT you brain-dead government controlled zombie bastards!!!!
Here, HERE'S how you can do it, GET the current number of dead, slap on your fake little smile or fake expression of distress (whichever suites you), stare blankly forward like a good puppet and state into the little camera lens "AS OF [DATE & TIME] THE CONFIRMED NUMBER OF CASUALTIES IS TOTALING [NUMBER OF DEAD], WE'LL KEEP YOU UPDATED AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE. NOW BACK TO SPORTS BROUGHT TO YOU BY PEPSI!"
Now, was that so hard?
Granted, the numbers have finally stabilized now that some time has passed and they have had a chance to get the few facts they choose to report straight(ish).
Worst part was that the whole mess turned out to be typical stupid psycho-drama.
Joe E. Random, Jr. goes to his girlfriends dorm, find's she's got another guy, Joe flips out and blows them both away with the pistol he always carries because he's nuts, instead of just realizing that's he's a crappy partner, feeling rejected and wandering off to try again to find another to spawn with.... or at the very least just shoot only himself in the face. Nothing beats a permanent solution to a temporary problem!
But, kill the both of them THEN goes off to plug half the innocent engineering department?!? What The EF?! Was she messing around with the whole damn department? Come on you (now former) brainless twit! If you're going to go kill innocent people at least go kill some stupid people who do nothing but breed and make more stupid! You don't shoot up a college full of semi-intelligent to intelligent individuals who just might be the ones to pull the planet out of the cesspool that we're quickly throwing it into!
Ok, calm down.... deeeep breath... bunnies and ponies and rainbows and grassy meadows and happy place... happy place...
Much better....
Now for the sad part, I USED to care! I faintly remember a time long ago when I used to give half a crap about all the random people on this dirt ball, but no longer. Yes, I care for this planet, I care for all the natural world it harbors, the plants, the animals, the lands, the seas and sky's and I DO care very much about all the individuals I know and love. When I do care, I make Greenpeace look like ENRON.
But, if I don't know you, in my eyes, you're cannon fodder.
Guess, what? The worst part is I'm still not caring!!! I'm just this pissed off today and the radio just made the mistake of reminding me YET AGAIN for the 30 BILLIONTH time that some poor saps sucked some lead at a university (Instead of in Iraq).
I MIGHT care if this happened to involve someone I know and care about, but it didn't, so I don't.
They say "apathy is lethal"... then why aren't more random people DYING when they get close next to me?!?!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Blue Man Group, How To Be A Megastar Tour 2.0....

F-ing WHOA!!!!
It was one of the most incredible, energetic and amazing shows I have ever seen. Completely fantastic! Stunning to watch and fun to listen to and the music was instantly likable! They also REALLY kept the audience involved. I was unlike any show I'd ever seen before. Their music is meant to be seen AND heard.
If you have the Blue Man Group coming to you your area, stop reading this and go buy some tickets! Everything good you may have possibly heard about them is true, and if anyone said they weren't worth seeing, bludgeon them! If you haven't heard anything about them, consider this opportunity knocking at your chance to see a show you'll never forget!
I saw some amazing things last night, things words couldn't begin to describe, but insanely cool will suffice for now.
There is more talent in any single one of the people I saw on stage last night than in all of Pop and Rap put together.
I saw and I was amazed, I saw and I was speechless, I saw and I would gladly see again.
I have learned this, PVC makes one COOL SOUNDING instrument!
Now,if you'll excuse me I have a Blue Man Group DVD to hunt down...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Attention World...
That is all.
That is all.
Monday, February 12, 2007
My Own First Dwelling!
I just signed the lease for my first apartment!
Job: Check!
Dwelling: Check!
I'm good to go world!
It's not very big, but as I am by myself and the lease period is only 4 months it'll make a good starter apartment if I decide not to stay, more news later!
Now I must prepare to move....
Job: Check!
Dwelling: Check!
I'm good to go world!
It's not very big, but as I am by myself and the lease period is only 4 months it'll make a good starter apartment if I decide not to stay, more news later!
Now I must prepare to move....
Friday, February 02, 2007
Alright, ok...
Hell has officially frozen over and Satan's playing hockey against some Canadians, Bush got a brain, Republicans learned the definition of "human rights" and Microsoft realized what quality control means.
I know that everything there must seem HIGHLY unlikely, but it has to be true because, it's now official, I like a Tom Petty song.
Specifically, the one called 'Saving Grace'.
The real irony is that I've never been able to stand him as a vocalist before. To the point where I outright refused to listen to anything by him, even at the insistence of my best friend. The same friend who I am ever thankful to for getting me extremely hooked on Oasis due to him listening to it constantly whenever I visited.
Now... Well, now I think that I am going to need to re-evaluate Tom Petty.
I know that everything there must seem HIGHLY unlikely, but it has to be true because, it's now official, I like a Tom Petty song.
Specifically, the one called 'Saving Grace'.
The real irony is that I've never been able to stand him as a vocalist before. To the point where I outright refused to listen to anything by him, even at the insistence of my best friend. The same friend who I am ever thankful to for getting me extremely hooked on Oasis due to him listening to it constantly whenever I visited.
Now... Well, now I think that I am going to need to re-evaluate Tom Petty.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
My butt hurts....
But my heart is victorious!
I got myself a job that starts Monday and am currently searching for a suitable apartment in which to take up residence.
This also officially means I'm moving out of my life long home and hours away from my family.
This is going to be interesting. I've always had my family to fall back on and have fun with, but now I'm going to be seeing them far less often and it's going to take alot of getting used to...
On the bright side, the independence will be a welcome change in my life, who knows maybe it'll whip my butt into being more responsible and less of a hermit.
Interesting times lay ahead and I have no doubt it may be a rocky journey, time shall tell, but it's one I'm finally taking and I'm optimistic.
P.S- Happy Birthday to me! I'm 24 and feeling old!
I got myself a job that starts Monday and am currently searching for a suitable apartment in which to take up residence.
This also officially means I'm moving out of my life long home and hours away from my family.
This is going to be interesting. I've always had my family to fall back on and have fun with, but now I'm going to be seeing them far less often and it's going to take alot of getting used to...
On the bright side, the independence will be a welcome change in my life, who knows maybe it'll whip my butt into being more responsible and less of a hermit.
Interesting times lay ahead and I have no doubt it may be a rocky journey, time shall tell, but it's one I'm finally taking and I'm optimistic.
P.S- Happy Birthday to me! I'm 24 and feeling old!
Monday, January 22, 2007
McTransfat America
Someone needs to be ripped a new one for this Article &
Obesity Site and you can google more easily.
In short, from TFA, the government is now classifying obesity as a disease and is now devoting millions of taxpayer dollars to 'fighting fat'. From the site, they flatly state that “Obesity is not a simple condition of eating too much. It is now recognized that obesity is a serious, chronic disease.”
First thing is first.
I am going to state a fact.
A single, simple, clear and complete FACT.
Obesity is NOT, and CANNOT BE a disease. End of story. Period. Finished. Done.
This is also where my political correctness, as sparse as it is to begin with, is going bye-bye. You have been warned.
The primary reasons for me stating so flatly that getting/being FAT (OMFG! j0 sed teh 'f' werd! OH NOES!!1) is not, in any way, a disease are numerous.
First and foremost, fat is not contagious in any way! It's NOT caused by a type of bacteria or virii! Now, the second I walk by someone wide enough to feed Africa and I suddenly find myself unable to stop stuffing Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese and extra trans fats in my face, I'll reconsider that statement.
Second, how much you eat is a CHOICE, conscious or otherwise. You make a decision wether or not to have that fifth helping of deep fried lard nuggets.
If you're a habit eater (like me) and munch while you're doing specific actions, it's a choice. If you're a comfort eater and you eat when you're sad, lonely, tired, etc... It's still a choice. It's ALWAYS a choice.
Third and final for this post, though far from the last, fat is not directly lethal.
Yes, I am perfectly aware that millions die yearly from being grossly overweight and simply being obese causes numerous health issues. There is one problem with the argument that fat is lethal.
Getting overweight is a NATURAL BODY FUNCTION to store excessive energy that has been taken into the body.
The negative health effects are ALSO natural. Too much energy has the ability to severely damage the body. Just like too much salt, iron, vitamins, or even water. Yet when someone takes in too much, or too little, of these other needed minerals/vitamins/etc. these "experts" don't call it a disease. It's called poor nutrition which leads to the excess or deficiency.
The same for FAT, it is caused by poor nutrition and/or a poor diet. Not a bacteria or virus.
Now that I've hit my major points, I'm now going to do something rare and not only stay on topic, but tie up a few loose ends related to fatness.
To keep going, I'm sure some of you are thinking "the moron never covered eating disorders!"
Well, that's what I'm going to do now.
The two major eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia, are, arguably, also not diseases. They may be caused by any number of factors. Such as poor self image, depression, peer pressure or even personality disorders.
There are arguments of eating disorders being caused by a chemical imbalance(s) in the brain.
If this is true, anorexia and bulimia are still more of a mental disorder than a true disease.
For the most part, eating disorders are still a choice, a possibly habitual, or even addicting choice, but a choice none the less.
To wrap this up, obesity is no more a disease than the sky is a banana. They are two completly different things.
The only reason that I can possibly think of for making this claim is an extension of the 'blameless society'.
These people's poor choices got them to their scale busting proportions, now they want someone or something to blame BESIDES THEMSELVES, which are the real cause of course.
The government calling fat a "disease" will now allow all these overweight people to cry "I'm a victim!" as they shovel another bucket of fried chicken into their face while they rake in the money from the government and lawsuits lodged against numerous corporations for 'allowing poor helpless people to become so overweight'.
To be clear and fair, I have absolutely no problem with overweight people, being that I am one of them, as well as 90% of America.
However, when they start WHINING and BITCHING, all bets are off and they need to have their skulls raped with lead.
Obesity Site and you can google more easily.
In short, from TFA, the government is now classifying obesity as a disease and is now devoting millions of taxpayer dollars to 'fighting fat'. From the site, they flatly state that “Obesity is not a simple condition of eating too much. It is now recognized that obesity is a serious, chronic disease.”
First thing is first.
I am going to state a fact.
A single, simple, clear and complete FACT.
Obesity is NOT, and CANNOT BE a disease. End of story. Period. Finished. Done.
This is also where my political correctness, as sparse as it is to begin with, is going bye-bye. You have been warned.
The primary reasons for me stating so flatly that getting/being FAT (OMFG! j0 sed teh 'f' werd! OH NOES!!1) is not, in any way, a disease are numerous.
First and foremost, fat is not contagious in any way! It's NOT caused by a type of bacteria or virii! Now, the second I walk by someone wide enough to feed Africa and I suddenly find myself unable to stop stuffing Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese and extra trans fats in my face, I'll reconsider that statement.
Second, how much you eat is a CHOICE, conscious or otherwise. You make a decision wether or not to have that fifth helping of deep fried lard nuggets.
If you're a habit eater (like me) and munch while you're doing specific actions, it's a choice. If you're a comfort eater and you eat when you're sad, lonely, tired, etc... It's still a choice. It's ALWAYS a choice.
Third and final for this post, though far from the last, fat is not directly lethal.
Yes, I am perfectly aware that millions die yearly from being grossly overweight and simply being obese causes numerous health issues. There is one problem with the argument that fat is lethal.
Getting overweight is a NATURAL BODY FUNCTION to store excessive energy that has been taken into the body.
The negative health effects are ALSO natural. Too much energy has the ability to severely damage the body. Just like too much salt, iron, vitamins, or even water. Yet when someone takes in too much, or too little, of these other needed minerals/vitamins/etc. these "experts" don't call it a disease. It's called poor nutrition which leads to the excess or deficiency.
The same for FAT, it is caused by poor nutrition and/or a poor diet. Not a bacteria or virus.
Now that I've hit my major points, I'm now going to do something rare and not only stay on topic, but tie up a few loose ends related to fatness.
To keep going, I'm sure some of you are thinking "the moron never covered eating disorders!"
Well, that's what I'm going to do now.
The two major eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia, are, arguably, also not diseases. They may be caused by any number of factors. Such as poor self image, depression, peer pressure or even personality disorders.
There are arguments of eating disorders being caused by a chemical imbalance(s) in the brain.
If this is true, anorexia and bulimia are still more of a mental disorder than a true disease.
For the most part, eating disorders are still a choice, a possibly habitual, or even addicting choice, but a choice none the less.
To wrap this up, obesity is no more a disease than the sky is a banana. They are two completly different things.
The only reason that I can possibly think of for making this claim is an extension of the 'blameless society'.
These people's poor choices got them to their scale busting proportions, now they want someone or something to blame BESIDES THEMSELVES, which are the real cause of course.
The government calling fat a "disease" will now allow all these overweight people to cry "I'm a victim!" as they shovel another bucket of fried chicken into their face while they rake in the money from the government and lawsuits lodged against numerous corporations for 'allowing poor helpless people to become so overweight'.
To be clear and fair, I have absolutely no problem with overweight people, being that I am one of them, as well as 90% of America.
However, when they start WHINING and BITCHING, all bets are off and they need to have their skulls raped with lead.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Picture of the Unspecific Time Period

Looks like this guy is trying to say something
I'm starting something new for my Blog. On a highly random, but hopefully at least weekly basis, I will be uploading a random picture I find interesting and/or cool from the net or even perhaps some of my own photographic works. Look for more in the future!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
A (Late) White Christmas
Well, it’s snowing here again, a lot, and of course the town has their big salt shakers set to “über rust” out patrolling the streets.
While this is normal, I noticed something strange about them. They were NOT plowing the roads, instead they are just dumping a ton of salt on the roads and turning them into a dangerous, slushy, slippery mess.
Now ME, I would rather drive through 2 FEET of snow before I drove through 1 INCH of slush.
When you’re driving through snow, it may be slightly perilous, however as one with over 150,000 miles on my duff after a meager 7 (nearly 8) years on the road. I’ve learned more than a few things. When you’re driving through snow it is predictable, it’s consistent, and it’s not all that slippery.
Slush, however, is an entirely different story. It’s highly unpredictable in nature, it can not is slippery, but can induce hydroplaning many, many times more easily than water and it can “pull” your vehicle as you hit thicker and thinner patches of it.
I think the worst part of winter though is the salt on the roads, it’s hard on vehicles, it’s hard on cloths and shoes, it destroys concrete, it damages trees and plants and so on and so forth…
If they could find an alternative to NaCl I’d really have nothing to complain about in regards to winter… Oh wait… they HAVE! What’s that? It also causes far less property and environmental damage?!!?!?! OMFG!
Yet they STILL refuse to use it, because it’s slightly more expensive.
Way to go people, humans putting money ahead of the planet has been steadily destroying it for years, why stop now? We still got TONS of planet to trash right? After all the cancer and birth defect rates skyrocketing MUST be a coincidence and could not possibly be linked to the toxins and chemicals we keep dumping into the air, water and land.
It will be a proud day when we as a society care more for the environment and the future than our pocket books.
While this is normal, I noticed something strange about them. They were NOT plowing the roads, instead they are just dumping a ton of salt on the roads and turning them into a dangerous, slushy, slippery mess.
Now ME, I would rather drive through 2 FEET of snow before I drove through 1 INCH of slush.
When you’re driving through snow, it may be slightly perilous, however as one with over 150,000 miles on my duff after a meager 7 (nearly 8) years on the road. I’ve learned more than a few things. When you’re driving through snow it is predictable, it’s consistent, and it’s not all that slippery.
Slush, however, is an entirely different story. It’s highly unpredictable in nature, it can not is slippery, but can induce hydroplaning many, many times more easily than water and it can “pull” your vehicle as you hit thicker and thinner patches of it.
I think the worst part of winter though is the salt on the roads, it’s hard on vehicles, it’s hard on cloths and shoes, it destroys concrete, it damages trees and plants and so on and so forth…
If they could find an alternative to NaCl I’d really have nothing to complain about in regards to winter… Oh wait… they HAVE! What’s that? It also causes far less property and environmental damage?!!?!?! OMFG!
Yet they STILL refuse to use it, because it’s slightly more expensive.
Way to go people, humans putting money ahead of the planet has been steadily destroying it for years, why stop now? We still got TONS of planet to trash right? After all the cancer and birth defect rates skyrocketing MUST be a coincidence and could not possibly be linked to the toxins and chemicals we keep dumping into the air, water and land.
It will be a proud day when we as a society care more for the environment and the future than our pocket books.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Well, well, well... It appears that at least a small part of the market is speaking fairly loudly about their choice of leader of the “next gen console wars”. The simple fact is that while I don’t have a broad market view, the local (and small) view is… amusing. I recently went on an excursion to the local central capitalism outlet and I saw something interesting when I visited the games section.

5 of about 6 shelf spaces filled with PS3’s

Not a Wii to be found, or DS

Or even a GameBoy Advance (Note the literally dozens of PSP’s beside them)
These pictures represent my findings at 4 separate retail outlets within a 45 mile radius of each other. Upon further investigation and according to sales reps from each location, the Wii, DS and GBA are continuing to sell out hours after they get in new shipments and it has been like this since 2-3 weeks before Christmas.
All this time, PS3’s and PSP’s are sitting on the shelves and (quite literally I might add) collecting dust. On that same note, the slim PS2 is also selling at an extremely brisk pace, but more on that later.
The Xbox 360 is still selling, quote, “Fairly quickly, but it’s slowed down since the Christmas rush and even then it was not even going half as fast as the DS Lite. It’s been more [360] games than [360] systems.”
Nintendo systems in general are the clear winners in this part of the state and even established products like the DS Lite and Gameboy Advance are selling at a pace so brisk that retailers cannot keep enough systems in stock to meet demand. While at the same time, it’s FAR from unusual to see numerous bare spots on the game shelves for Nintendo products.
Meanwhile, Sony appears to have finally given themselves a swift kick in the ba….… you get the picture. Both models of the (very) highly priced PS3 are simply not selling. I was told by all 4 retailers that I visited, that they’d had the same PS3’s sitting around since after Christmas. One even stated they had a “ton out back”. When pressed for details, the department manager stated that they had 13.
Finally Microsoft, as with the PS3, I have not properly spent enough time with this system to fully evaluate it. However, this is not a review session, this is a status report. The Xbox 360 is currently the slowest selling next-gen console. While this may seem negative, it’s not. There is a perfectly logical reason for the slower sales of the Xbox 360, it’s already fairly well established in the market having a year head start and it would be unrealistic to expect a “rush” because of that.
On that note, game sales for the 360 are far higher then both the Wii and the PS3 combined (Caution! Authors sarcasm! Probably because there are technically only TWO for the PS3 that are original?)
This bodes well for Microsoft’s newest brainchild as strong game sales could possibly return some of the massive losses that Microsoft’s gaming division has had to absorb on the initial systems sales despite the fact the console is now finally returning a profit per system sold.
While only time and actual results truly matter in the long run, these results are interesting. So, the final conclusion from my, admittedly, fairly casual research indicates that, indeed much to their fan boys delight, in defying the trend of “more power” and instead focusing on why people want to buy a game console, Nintendo has definitely gone for “The Win” in this round.
My inner fan boy couldn’t be happier. Now, if you’ll excuse me. Elebits calls.

5 of about 6 shelf spaces filled with PS3’s

Not a Wii to be found, or DS

Or even a GameBoy Advance (Note the literally dozens of PSP’s beside them)
These pictures represent my findings at 4 separate retail outlets within a 45 mile radius of each other. Upon further investigation and according to sales reps from each location, the Wii, DS and GBA are continuing to sell out hours after they get in new shipments and it has been like this since 2-3 weeks before Christmas.
All this time, PS3’s and PSP’s are sitting on the shelves and (quite literally I might add) collecting dust. On that same note, the slim PS2 is also selling at an extremely brisk pace, but more on that later.
The Xbox 360 is still selling, quote, “Fairly quickly, but it’s slowed down since the Christmas rush and even then it was not even going half as fast as the DS Lite. It’s been more [360] games than [360] systems.”
Nintendo systems in general are the clear winners in this part of the state and even established products like the DS Lite and Gameboy Advance are selling at a pace so brisk that retailers cannot keep enough systems in stock to meet demand. While at the same time, it’s FAR from unusual to see numerous bare spots on the game shelves for Nintendo products.
Meanwhile, Sony appears to have finally given themselves a swift kick in the ba….… you get the picture. Both models of the (very) highly priced PS3 are simply not selling. I was told by all 4 retailers that I visited, that they’d had the same PS3’s sitting around since after Christmas. One even stated they had a “ton out back”. When pressed for details, the department manager stated that they had 13.
Finally Microsoft, as with the PS3, I have not properly spent enough time with this system to fully evaluate it. However, this is not a review session, this is a status report. The Xbox 360 is currently the slowest selling next-gen console. While this may seem negative, it’s not. There is a perfectly logical reason for the slower sales of the Xbox 360, it’s already fairly well established in the market having a year head start and it would be unrealistic to expect a “rush” because of that.
On that note, game sales for the 360 are far higher then both the Wii and the PS3 combined (Caution! Authors sarcasm! Probably because there are technically only TWO for the PS3 that are original?)
This bodes well for Microsoft’s newest brainchild as strong game sales could possibly return some of the massive losses that Microsoft’s gaming division has had to absorb on the initial systems sales despite the fact the console is now finally returning a profit per system sold.
While only time and actual results truly matter in the long run, these results are interesting. So, the final conclusion from my, admittedly, fairly casual research indicates that, indeed much to their fan boys delight, in defying the trend of “more power” and instead focusing on why people want to buy a game console, Nintendo has definitely gone for “The Win” in this round.
My inner fan boy couldn’t be happier. Now, if you’ll excuse me. Elebits calls.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Well would you lookie that....
First off, Happy New Year everyone!!
This year I resolve to make a resolution I can keep! So I'm not making one!
Seriously though I'm shooting for being more active and even starting a casual work out regime including walking, running, and free weights. The goal is not to lose weight but to increase strength and endurance.
As for the irregularity of my posting (or total lack of) I've been busy and blogging has fallen pretty far down on my list of priorities because, well, it's a blog!! It's not all that important in the long run!
Right now, I've been working on finding another job mostly, and due to that, I will most likely be moving shortly so all sorts of fun happy stuff going on there. With all due luck, I have a couple of very good friends downstate who might be getting either a new neighbor or at least one more pest in their area ^_^
It's also been kinda weird outside... it's been in the 50's and 60's all week. While this would normally be considered extremely nice weather, there is only one TINY problem with it. Being of course, as I see it, is that is JANUARY in the North Country!!!! We're normally under about 2 feet of snow and temperatures hovering around 10 degrees F right now!
"But there's no such thing as global warming!" BULL! I can not recall a January this warm, ever, and neither can my grandparents. This is ridiculous, my allergies have even been acting up do to all the moisture causing mold to have a field day.
Am I complaining? YES! Not really loudly, for I am enjoying the pleasant weather, but I am probably the only nut case on this god-overtaken dirt ball that is complaining about the weather in this area as of late! ^_^
No matter, I've been taking advantage of my free time by trying to play catch-up on a number of things i have been procrastinating on for far too long. including, but not limited to a video editing project, my chainmail (I FINALLY found another tool to cut rings with after I broke my last one!), cleaning, organizing, writing, drawing, the works....
All in all, life's just been...... what's the word I'm looking for.... interesting.
This year I resolve to make a resolution I can keep! So I'm not making one!
Seriously though I'm shooting for being more active and even starting a casual work out regime including walking, running, and free weights. The goal is not to lose weight but to increase strength and endurance.
As for the irregularity of my posting (or total lack of) I've been busy and blogging has fallen pretty far down on my list of priorities because, well, it's a blog!! It's not all that important in the long run!
Right now, I've been working on finding another job mostly, and due to that, I will most likely be moving shortly so all sorts of fun happy stuff going on there. With all due luck, I have a couple of very good friends downstate who might be getting either a new neighbor or at least one more pest in their area ^_^
It's also been kinda weird outside... it's been in the 50's and 60's all week. While this would normally be considered extremely nice weather, there is only one TINY problem with it. Being of course, as I see it, is that is JANUARY in the North Country!!!! We're normally under about 2 feet of snow and temperatures hovering around 10 degrees F right now!
"But there's no such thing as global warming!" BULL! I can not recall a January this warm, ever, and neither can my grandparents. This is ridiculous, my allergies have even been acting up do to all the moisture causing mold to have a field day.
Am I complaining? YES! Not really loudly, for I am enjoying the pleasant weather, but I am probably the only nut case on this god-overtaken dirt ball that is complaining about the weather in this area as of late! ^_^
No matter, I've been taking advantage of my free time by trying to play catch-up on a number of things i have been procrastinating on for far too long. including, but not limited to a video editing project, my chainmail (I FINALLY found another tool to cut rings with after I broke my last one!), cleaning, organizing, writing, drawing, the works....
All in all, life's just been...... what's the word I'm looking for.... interesting.
Job Hunting,
New Year,
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