F-ing WHOA!!!!
It was one of the most incredible, energetic and amazing shows I have ever seen. Completely fantastic! Stunning to watch and fun to listen to and the music was instantly likable! They also REALLY kept the audience involved. I was unlike any show I'd ever seen before. Their music is meant to be seen AND heard.
If you have the Blue Man Group coming to you your area, stop reading this and go buy some tickets! Everything good you may have possibly heard about them is true, and if anyone said they weren't worth seeing, bludgeon them! If you haven't heard anything about them, consider this opportunity knocking at your chance to see a show you'll never forget!
I saw some amazing things last night, things words couldn't begin to describe, but insanely cool will suffice for now.
There is more talent in any single one of the people I saw on stage last night than in all of Pop and Rap put together.
I saw and I was amazed, I saw and I was speechless, I saw and I would gladly see again.
I have learned this, PVC makes one COOL SOUNDING instrument!
Now,if you'll excuse me I have a Blue Man Group DVD to hunt down...